
Cover image of Re:Visions

Doraine Poretz


Bombshelter Press, 1978 62pp

Very rare collection of poems by the noted Los Angeles writer.

The Author

Doraine Poretz
Doraine Poretz's poems have been published in numerous literary journals, including California State Quarterly, Poetry/LA, Electrum and Dreamworks. She has read her work on radio and at various cultural centers and colleges in Los Angeles and New York. Her two previously published books are Re:Visions and This Woman in America. She is a playwright as well as a poet; one of the plays was produced in Los Angeles in 1982. Her short story "Birthing" is included in the Doubleday publication, Erotic Interludes, edited by Lonnie Barbach, PhD. She lives in Los Angeles where she teaches English literature and creative writing.