Termination Journal

Cover image of Termination Journal

Jack Grapes


Bombshelter Press, 1975 110pp

Early collection, limited edition, poems, rare.

The Author

Jack Grapes
is an award-winning poet, playwright, actor and teacher, recipient of numerous fellowships and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council. He's the author of 13 books of poetry, and also wrote and starred in Circle of Will, which ran for several years in Hollywood and won drama critic awards for Best Comedy and Best Performance by an Actor.


Jack Grapes is a working film actor whose sense of humanity seems a mystery, totally uncharacteristic in a cesspool like Hollywood. This is a poet who happens to work for the greed-heads once in a while, yet his poetry remains thankfully separate and untarnished. As a matter of fact, when Grapes comes on with his almost Amboy Dukes prose voice flourishing when he writes about a German movie maker or a boyhood encounter with a prostitiute, it's all so sort of like what you might have expected if you heard Leo Gorcey reciting John Donne.

Michael C. Ford, Los Angeles Vanguard