ONTHEBUS : Double Issue 6/7
Bombshelter Press, 1991 336pp
Bukowski letters Interviews: Joyce Carol Oates, David Mura Photo Essay: The Jews of Wyoming by Penny Wolin. Art and Photos: Michael Andrews, Bukowski, Michael Chiabado, Peter Liashkov, Bayla Winters. Translations: Andrade, Baranczak, Illescas, Pavlopoulos, Valverde, Volkow.
The Editor
- Jack Grapes
- is an award-winning poet, playwright, actor and teacher, recipient of numerous fellowships and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council. He's the author of 13 books of poetry, and also wrote and starred in Circle of Will, which ran for several years in Hollywood and won drama critic awards for Best Comedy and Best Performance by an Actor.